

Want to get involved with our liturgies? Students are encouraged to serve God in the various liturgical ministries during the Masses at St. Thomas Aquinas University Parish and/or the UVA Chapel. If you would like to be an altar server (men), sacristan, lector, or usher, please contact Jack Trotter at [email protected] to get involved!


Altar server: Responsible for assisting the celebrant of the Mass, for example, by carrying the cross and processional candles, holding the book for the priest celebrant when he is not at the altar, carrying the incense thurible, washing the hands of the priest, and assisting the celebrant when he receives the gifts from the people.

Sacristan: Responsible for setting up Mass so that the Celebration of the Mass can run as smoothly as possible.

Lector: Responsible for proclaiming the Word of God in the First reading, Second reading, and Psalms.

Usher: Responsible for seating those who attend Mass, giving instruction on when to get in line for communion, and providing information about when to exit.

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion: Responsible for assisting with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass.