Vision: The Women’s Ministry of Catholic Hoos exists to provide and advocate for the spiritual, relational, vocational, and formational needs of women, to reflect to each woman her dignity, as well as to see, know, and love each woman with the eyes and heart of the Father.
Mission: The Women’s Ministry of Catholic Hoos is a community dedicated to the cultivation of virtuous friendships that encourage each woman towards a deeper relationship with Christ. We advocate for the needs of women by intentionally providing spiritual/vocational resources, building strong relationships that form each other into future saints, and strengthening our understanding of the truth and teaching of the Catholic faith through prayer and conversation. As sisters in Christ, we aim to love and serve each other in recognition of the goodness of God, our inherent dignity, and the gifts He has lovingly bestowed upon each of us for the building up of His Church. This community is a space for each woman at the University of Virginia to be reminded of as well as assume her worth as a beloved, integral member of the Catholic Church and future member of Heaven.
Our Patronage
The patron saint of the Women’s Ministry is Our Lady of Guadalupe!

Some things we do:
- Beach volleyball
- Hiking
- Group exercise classes
- Bonfires
- Brunches
Email Caroline Bell to join the Women’s Ministry chat to build community and hear about events & resources.
Email Leah Cocker to learn more about the Women’s Ministry community.
Email our female FOCUS missionaries to grab a cup of coffee, learn more about the ministry, or just hang out.
Some things we do:
- Rosary reunions
- Prayer intentions
- Feast day celebrations
- Community novenas
Check out some suggested prayer resources specifically for women!
Subscribe to Blessed Is She Daily Devotionals
Check out Prayers for Young Catholic Women
Download the Hallow app to get access to many different prayers and resources
Listen to the Poco a Poco podcast to learn more about prayer and spirituality
Looking to do a novena, a nine-day prayer petition? Check out Pray More Novenas
Learn how to pray from Fr. Joseph-Anthony
Additionally, check out the list of Catholic Hoos provided prayer resources!
To learn more about the Women’s Ministry prayer community, email Helen Sparling.
Some things we do:
- Vocation and discernment resources
- Sister visits
- Liturgy lectures
- Catechesis talks
Looking to learn more about your faith and identity? Check out these resources below:
Watch Catholic speaker Emily Wilson’s videos on relationships and faith
Listen to the Abiding Together Podcast to hear more about identity, faith, and relationships
Want to get more information on religious life? Check out diocesan resources here.
Discerning marriage? Find more resources on dating and engagement here.