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Catholic Hoos serves the student body by providing opportunities for the students to know, love, and imitate Jesus Christ. 100% of any donation made to Catholic Hoos directly supports these programs and the staff running them. Donors are the essential partners in the mission of reaching every student at UVA with the person of Jesus Christ! Thank you for your support!

For questions or concerns, please email

To donate via check, make payable to St.Thomas Aquinas with “Catholic Hoos” in the memo and mail to 401 Alderman Rd. Charlottesville, VA 22903.

Catholic Hoos at St.Thomas Aquinas University Parish is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3)

Make a Gift to Support Our Ministry

Note: If you would like to make a gift towards the Campaign, please scroll up and click the orange “Know, Love, Imitate Campaign” button

The 14:17 is the monthly support society for Catholic Hoos at the University of Virginia. As our ministry grows, we invite you to join us  by making a monthly recurring gift. These monthly gifts will secure our ministry through unstable times. There is no threshold for the size of the gift. The Society’s name comes from Matthew 14:17 where the Lord multiplied a few fish and loaves to feed the multitude. Each gift that is returned to the Lord is multiplied through His hands.

The Society’s logo was designed by Maggie Sparling ’23. Her description and inspiration is below.

This image was inspired from the Bible verse Matthew 14:17 – “But they said to him, ‘Five loaves and two fish are all we have here.” Five loaves and two fish were all that the people had to share with our Lord. But the gift was given from the heart, and Jesus multiplied that gift to feed all those who had gathered on the mountainside. The concept of our Lord multiplying what we have to give became the basis for this image. The hand is our Heavenly Father’s hand. The flower falling into the palm of His hand is our gift to the Father. As the flower falls, the single flower, a gift, with a finite number of petals. Yet, He multiplies that gift This is represented in the petals cascading through the Father’s hands. The petals are more numerous than what a single one of our flowers could have contained. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us.

Fill out the form to the left to join our monthly support network, The 14:17 Society! Be sure to click “recurring donation”!